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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why I Love Preschool!

So I was doing Preschool AWANA on Friday.  A little girl was complaining about getting called "Hannah Banana" so I was trying to comfort her.  I told her that when I was a little girl people called me "Manda Panda" and I hated it so much.  I didn't realize anyone else was listening to our little conversation.
Apparently one of the little guys in the group heard this, because he inexplicably called me "Mrs. Kung Fu Panda" all night.
I love preschool!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bill Boy Goes to Hell

Yes, interesting title I know. Last week I honestly had the most disturbing thing happen while teaching yet.
I was in a grade 3 class with a very difficult little guy with a nasty temper. While battling with him all day was draining it was nothing terribly out of the ordinary. Until he gave me a 'comic book' he wrote/drew to read at recess. Yes, it was call "Bill Boy goes to hell" (well, he spelt it 'hall'). So in this comic Bill Boy, a little boy, murders another kid so that he can go to hell when he dies. Then Bill Boy dies and on his way to hell he stops in heaven and shoots God, cuts off His head and puts it on a sword. He takes it down to hell and gives it to the devil who then rewards him with a girlfriend.
Ummm...can we say serial killer in 5 years?
So yes, I told the vice-p and turned it over to her. Not sure if anything got done about it, but I hope and pray so.
I honestly hope I NEVER top this story.
Why did I become a teacher again?