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Thursday, September 22, 2011

More Convos with Preschoolers!

Overheard my EA & a little guy, D, talking while playing Lego today:
EA: You're great at building airplanes, D. Are you going to be an airplane builder when you grow up?
D (looks at her as if she were the dumbest person on the planet):
Uh, NO! I'm gonna be Spiderman!

I was playing a game with my kids at circle where I hold up photos of kids with different facial expressions & they guess how that kid is feeling, what made them feel that way, what makes them feel that way sometimes, etc.
Every card I held up I asked a little girl, J, "Do you ever feel ________ (sad, happy, tired, angry) sometimes?"
Every single time she shrugged her shoulders and shook her head no. Finally I guess she got tired of me asking cuz the next time I asked she said,
"I just don't get lots of feelings."

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