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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Convos with Toddlers

Before I talk about the hilarious, awesome conversations I now have with my toddler, let's bask for a moment in the awesomeness of the fact that I can HAVE conversations with my daughter!  Real, honest to goodness conversations.  It's amazing, beyond amazing.  She tells me what excites her, what delights her, what frustrates her, what she likes and doesn't, what she wants to do and what she is done with.  She asks me questions, she requests my help and my presence, she expresses affection and love, fear and joy.  Her voice is small and sweet and incredibly beautiful.
So now on to the funny stuff!
Elli picked out a pair of pink sparkly sunglasses recently and loved them.  She asks to wear them and then wants everyone else nearby to wear theirs too.  She goes back and forth calling them "dasses" or "asses".  Yup, you see where this is going.
On the way home yesterday she gave me a running commentary "Elli asses.  Mommy asses.  Daddy asses.  Fwinn no asses."

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