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Saturday, August 11, 2012

It's Okay.

I found myself trying to mentally reassure the paranoid new mom in me while on a walk this afternoon, thought I'd share in case someone else needed reassuring too.

It's okay if you hold her all day, it's okay if you put her down for awhile.
It's okay to rush & pick her up as soon as she cries, it's okay to let her cry for 20 mins if your sanity is at stake.
It's okay to find it funny when she fusses & cries for no apparent reason, it's also okay to just join her & cry too.
It's okay to ask every parent you meet on the street for advice, it's okay to tell people to shut up & mind their own business.
It's okay to ask for help, it's okay to want to do things on your own.
It's okay to think she's absolutely perfect & totally awful at the same time.
It's okay to feel like you have no idea what you're doing, it's okay to think you're doing a great job.

All the above stuff isn't really the 'end of the world' stuff, it's just the details of how you survive from day to day. Those details are going to change constantly based on what is working best this week, today & right this very minute. It's okay, it really is.
Love God, love yourself, love your husband & love her because that's what makes it okay.

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