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Friday, June 14, 2013

More Rainy Day Musings

I'm not sure when it happened, or how it snuck up on me so gradually, but my baby girl is not a tiny baby anymore.  As we prepare for her little brother this fall it has become so clear & real that she isn't & won't be the "baby" anymore.  Part of me is sad, part of me is excited to see her grow.
Nightime wakings have become infrequent enough that I can often find myself cherishing the moments of rocking her in the dark of her nursery, kissing her head, humming her to sleep.  I know these times aren't going to last much longer, that soon I'll be rocking a different baby to sleep at night.
Her understanding of the world around her has become impossible to ignore.  While listening to the radio the other day the chorus of a song repeated the word "goodbye".  She started waving bye-bye to the radio.
This very apparent knowledge that she is so aware of the world around her now has lead to some major contemplation & decisions on the part of my hubby & I.
What we watch when she's around.  What we listen to.  What language we use.  What we talk about.  Who is a part of her life.
Until she is old enough to choose her own friends, this is a responsibility we need to take very seriously because we are teaching her what kind of friends to choose.  The people we bring or allow into Elli's life will shape who she is, that's a fact.  I am honoured & humbled by the responsibility we have been given.  We have the power to (for the most part) surround our daughter with people of honour, integrity, kindness, love, fun & joy.  We have the power to give her role models we would be delighted to see her emulate as she grows.  We can show her in everyday life what healthy, happy relationships look like with family, friends, co workers & even random people we encounter in the world.
We can fill her life experience with people who work hard, love truly, live honestly & follow their dreams.  Who have fun, embrace joy & celebrate life.
So thank you to all the people in our life who do this, who fill this incredibly important role from near or far.  Whether we see you every day or once a year you are helping to shape our daughter's outlook on life & people.  Who she becomes will be in no small part because of the role you played in her life.

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