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Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Daily Grind

Well the school year is now in full swing. I'm eyeball deep in writings IPPs, data collection, meetings, planning, Home Visits....just the regular daily grind.
I find that once the bloom of excitement about a new school year wears off, there are definitely stretches of time when the going gets a little rough. No matter how much I love my job deep down, there are times when I just never want to see playdough again, I don't want to sing Twinkle, Twinkle, I would give my right arm to have an ADULT conversation (that's NOT about school) in the middle of the day. There are days I just can't shake off getting chunks of my arm taken off by a 6 yr old's fingernails, or getting peed on for the second time in a day.
It'll pass I know and I will rediscover my love of Wheels on the changing diapers.
It's just the daily grind.

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