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Monday, January 9, 2012

Back to Reality.

Well today was the first day back after Christmas Holidays. I always dread this week. The kids have spent the last two weeks eating sweets, going to bed late, being over-excited & just generally having little to no routine or structure during Holiday craziness. This translates into absolute mayhem & meltdowns the first week back at school. They "forget" the routines & rules. They "forget" how to share, how to put toys back on the shelf, even how to take off their own boots. The week back after Christmas is always worse than September. Kids who haven't been aggressive since the beginning of the school year relapse. Kids who never have full blown meltdowns are on the floor of the hallway screaming.
I still remember this week 2 years ago, I thought it was going to kill me & my aides. I shudder every time I think about making it through that week.
So needless to say I went to bed apprehensive & in all honesty, kinda dreading today.
Well surprise, surprise, it went well!
The kids seemed genuinely happy to be back. They were excited about the "same old" toys again. They were very happy to see their friends. It was a busy but good day. A couple of my tougher students even did exceptionally well. I was shocked but I refuse to question it to much. I choose instead to be immensely grateful & hope against hope it sets the tone for the rest of the week. It was the pleasant surprise I needed to energize me for the second half of the school year.
Well, provided the other shoe doesn't drop tomorrow. ;)

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