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Friday, June 26, 2009

Why Bother?

So after what I thought was the best interview I've ever done, and a call back for extra information (which I took to be a good sign), once again I got the cliche of job rejection lines...AGAIN!  It's the exact same line I have gotten after every teaching job I haven't gotten.  I believed it the first time, not so much any more.
"You were great/You did an awesome interview/You were our second choice BUT we're going with someone who's been teaching for ____ years."
Excuse me while I swear a blue streak for a moment .......
K, I'm done.

Just wondering, why do I even bother?
I really, honestly thought I had a real chance at this job.  I felt like God was telling me it was the one he had in mind for me.  Apparently I'm an idiot.

1 comment:

Erie said...

I am so frustrated for you!! :(